Sophira is a healthy girl, but has some ear and skin issues.

     It was time for her annual rabies shot, but she had a few other issues that I wanted to have check by the good doctors at Cornelia Veterinary Clinic.

     It was a busy day at the clinic!  Lots of dogs making lots of noise.  Sophira behaved very well!

     She weighed 41 pounds, which is what she weighed a year ago and the year before that.  Her heart and breathing sounded good.  Her teeth and gums looked good.  No heart worm.  No mites.  No fleas.  No ticks.  

     She's had some ear infection and skin irritation issues though.  So they did skin scraping and ear swabs.  Turns out she had rod bacteria in her ears.  All test results from the skin scraping turned out negative, so we're still not sure what has caused the irritations.

     We got some antibiotics, medicated shampoo, and some chewables.

     She was so very well behaved, I was proud.  So I took her for some ice cream.  She loves ice cream!


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