Banana Pudding ... no cooking, no eggs, almost no sugar added

Allow me to share how I made a no-cook, no egg, banana pudding. All you need are a food processor, about 6 ripe bananas, 8 oz of heavy whipping cream, a cup or so of vanilla wafers, a splash of vanilla, a teaspoon of sugar, about 4 dried figs, about 4 pitted dates, 1/2 cup of shelled walnuts.

1. in the food processor, chop the nuts, dates, and fig together.

2. add 2 bananas to the food processor and puree.
3. add about 4 oz of heavy whipping cream to the puree and mix well.
4. line a bowl / dish (about 1 quart size) with vanilla wafers (round side down.
5. dish out about 1/3 of the mixed puree and spread over the wafers.
6. Add a layer of vanilla wafers.
7. add another layer of the mix.
8. layer of wafers.
9. layer of mix.
10. using a whisk or hand held mixer, whip the remainder of the whipping cream (4 oz) and add the sugar.
11. spread the whipped cream across the top of the layers of mix.

12. Tadaaaaah! It's ready! But, it gets better as it chills in the fridge.

13. Now imagine different ways to do the mix, wafers, and whipped cream.

14. For example: put a vanilla wafer in a Dixie cup, layer of mix, another wafer, layer of mix, whipped cream.

15. For example: same as 14, but stand a Popsicle stick in the center (you might have to leave out the the wafers to do this). Freeze and serve.

16. Instead of putting it all into one large dish, layer it all into individual dishes (custard cups, champagne glasses, coffee cups, glasses, etc). Chill and serve.

17. Gosh!k This could be fun!


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